Saturday 20 August 2011

Week 7 (15th- 19th August) [Task related to Week 7a & 7b)

Welcome people!

Well, this week was indeed a busy week and it's just a few more days before exam. But I am really happy that we have finally concluded the last week (which was divided into Week 7a and Week 7b) of this course.

Week 7a
In the period of 3 days in this Week 7a task, we were required to do 2 assignments, which is Assignment 8a and Assignment 8b. This 2 task were related to Spreadsheet and Microsoft Excel. This 2 media is about the same where data and numbers and graphs can be made here.

Assignment 8a
This assignment requires me to create a one year personal financial management (income and spending) spreadsheet using Calc.
So I had to name all the sheet according to the month starting from January 2011 to December 2011. Our lecturer showed us on how to do the spreadsheet and link all the spreadsheet with the sum using a formula.
Not much problems occurred in this assignment even though initially we experienced some confusion. With consistency, my pair and I were able to finish this in one day. So here's the result!
I was really happy to learn how to do this as it is related to accounts which is a subject that I'm interested in. So in the future, I can use this to do my personal financial planning and keep track on my expenditure.

Assignment 8b
In this assignment, my pair and I had to plan, create and edit a spreadsheet of student score and grade analysis in Microsoft Office Excel. A boost of adrenaline flowed in me when I finally get to learn how teachers in school actually sort out the grades and rank in the class. Years of wondering on how to do the calculation was resolve. All thanks to ICT, it is so much more convenient and accurate to do the calculation. So we had names and the score of the student and used VLOOKUP to refer to the grade of the score, STDEV to count the standard deviation of the class, SUM to count the sum of every subjects obtain by each student, Average to count the average of the score, COUNTIF to count the total number of student for each Grade, and made a graph to see the overall result of the students in all the subject and sort out the ranks of each students.
I really appreciate this input of learning this skill because this skill will help me in the future to count the grades of the student where I will save time, energy and money. Practice really makes it perfect after countless times of doing it and I finally am able to master it for the future.

Week 7b
Finally, the 2 days period of doing the last assignment 9 was about Database using Open Office Base.
My pair and I had to plan, create and edit a simple database for student management information in a creative, innovative and ethical way.

The steps:
So we had to
-plan the data structure of the Student management information
-create 4 separate tables    
·    Student table(use student ID as a Primary key)
·    Parent table (use student ID as a Primary key)
·    Curriculum table (use student ID as a Primary key)
·    Co-curriculum table(use student ID as a Primary key)
-Then my pair and I need to create relationships between the tables by linking the student ID.
-Then use Wizard to create the 4 forms of the student, parent, curriculum and co-curriculum
-Lastly, we need to create several queries from the database and create reports based in the queries.

Truth be told. this database was confusing as I'm not familiar with it. It is also my first time doing a database. But my pair and I were able to finish it after many time of trials and errors. Thanks to our lecturer for demonstrating it to us in the beginning so we will not be lost in the steps. Therefore, we finally learnt how to do a simple database to record student's information about their names, parent name, curriculum and co-curriculum.

Overall, I am over the moon with all these assignments done! It was a roller coaster ride throughout all the weeks, however, with patience, guidance from our lecturer, my pair- Aileen and course mates, I am able to finish it in time. One thing about this ICT course is that it never failed to impress me to learn new things. I'm really happy that this course is completed and I have gain tremendous knowledge this week to equip me in the unpredictable future as a teacher. 

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